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BREAKING NEWS! Professor Vincent Tan found a way to cure joint and back pain once and for all in two weeks!

Dr. Vincent Tan, the most famous scientist-doctor in the Malaysia, has found a way to get rid of joint and back pain once and for all without surgery! It can be done at home and in just 14 days!

Nazrina Hashim . Senior Writer

. 7 minutes

At this year, in a medical congress in Indonesia , an interesting event happened. All the participants gave a standing ovation to the Malaysian scientist Dr. Vincent Tan just 10 minutes after his speech began. He proposed a unique formula for the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis that works even at home.

Dr. Vincent Tan is the author of this innovative idea and the leader of a team of leading Asian specialists who took part in this project. At the same time, it is very important that all key research and production of this drug takes place in Kuala Lumpur. The drug has already passed all clinical trials, is produced and gives excellent results in just 14 applications!

How can a new medicine cure the joints of millions of people around the world? In the following article, you will find the answer to this from an interview between Professor Vincent Tan and host Nazrina Hashim

Nazrina Hashim: "Vincent, it is not too much to say that you're one of the best doctors in the world. Where could you come up with the idea to make this product?

Nazrina: “Vincent, what inspired you to make this product?”

Dr. Vincent Tan: "It all started a few years ago when I was a physician intern. One day my father came to me with complaints of pain in his knees. He told me that he had suffered from it for such a long time. No surprise there, he had worked hard all his life, constantly on his feet, constantly carrying weight. But lately the pain became so unbearable that it was no longer possible to walk. Popular drugs that are sold in pharmacies only relieved the pain temporarily, and it was not even enough to allow proper sleep at night. Eventually my father got tired of taking pills and smearing ointments all the time and came to me. I referred him to a rheumatologist I knew. He needed to be queued and wait about several months for an appointment. At the appointment, after an examination, my father was diagnosed with progressive arthritis, which can only be completely cured by surgery, by replacing the joint with an artificial one. However, since my father was already old, it was a very risky surgery, and he might not get over it. The rheumatologist prescribed medications that would relieve the pain and said there was nothing more he could do. When my father left the office and the doctor had a private chat with me, he told me that without surgery my father would be disabled because the joint tissue would deteriorate, the joints would hurt, and moving his legs would be nearly impossible. Moreover, the disease was progressing and the next things would be his arms, and then his back

And later, a few months later, my father was really in a wheelchair, he could not walk because of the severe pain in his knees. All of this really hurt him, he started spending more time at home, alone and he felt incomplete." This is what prompted me to research joint problems, during which I realized that the drugs that are now being sold in pharmacies have almost no point in treating joint disease, but only relieve symptoms in a short term and aggravate the disease. I have spent the last few years researching this topic and it has paid off. I was on the right track to find a secret.

Dr. Vincent Tan: “My father became an disabled because of his arthritis!”

Nazrina Hashim: "Vincent, what did you go through to create the formula?"

Dr. Vincent Tan: "One of the key things in the process of creating the formula is the creation of our research team. Now there are more than 30 top specialists from Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines. All of these people are professionals, the best lab technicians, surgeons, orthopedic traumatologists, and rheumatologists. Thanks to this, under my leadership, we have created a unique medicine that comprehensively helps fight arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis, and in this case, is absolutely harmless to the person who uses it."

Dr. Vincent Tan: “I was offered 120,000 euros, but I refused!”

Dr. Vincent Tan: "As I published articles about my method of treatment, I immediately received offers from people who wanted to buy my invention. I was offered 120,000 euros, and American pharmaceutical companies made even bigger offers. I changed my number and stopped using social media because I was getting offers every day."

Nazrina Hashim: "Vincent, as far as I know, you didn't franchise this formula?"

Dr. Vincent Tan: Of course not. I didn't create my formula to enrich pharmaceutical companies in other countries. What if I sold the formula? Imagine what price they could sell this medicine for? A foreign doctor said such a drug would cost at least 2000 MYR. But who could afford such an expensive price?
My goal is that a person on a tight budget can also buy this product to treat joints without other medications or surgery.
So when I received an offer to help make a cure, I immediately agreed. The research has now been completed, and the cure is now available.

Nazrina Hashim: "What is the value of your formula? Why should as many people as possible know about it?"

Nazrina: "Why is your formula so important?"

Dr. Vincent Tan: "The problem of joint diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis, and osteochondrosis is such a serious issue nowadays because joints are part of the body that wears itself out in the course of life, but at the same time, they cannot regenerate by natural forces of the body like other cells and organs. Sooner or later these diseases will overtake you, despite the fact that you lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. And if you do sports, even just jogging in the morning, the destruction of joints will happen even faster, because you yourself increase the load on them and contribute to their degradation. And most importantly, in the early stages, these diseases manifest themselves very weakly. You may just have knee pain, for example. How often do you notice that your knee hurts? That your fingers and toes snap? Never, everyone just gets used to it and takes it for granted! It hurts and stops, it does not interfere with life, for the most part. And it is at this time that the destruction of your joint! When you realize that something has gone wrong it will be too late. And many people even worse the disease by deliberately breaking out their hands to the characteristic snap! If you don't want to become disabled, you will have only one way to go under the knife to replace the joint with an artificial one. And all this because all the pharmacy drugs act as simple painkillers, they do not help the joint to recover in any way, they just make you turn a blind eye to the problem and then go to the surgery to replace the joint."

"And you know what that leads to? How long ago have you seen a person over the age of 30 who didn't complain of back, knee, arm, or finger pain? Very few! And the older a person is, the more joint problems they will have. So, by the age of 50-60, men and women already begin entering the critical stages of joint disease, which is accompanied by severe pain, and by 70 they are almost all invalids!"

Dr. Vincent Tan:“People should stop suffering from joint diseases!”

The secret of my formula lies in mechanism for the transfer of the active substance to the joint tissue cells, which is a truly breakthrough technology! How do outdated drugs work? They only have an analgesic effect. At the same time, they do a lot of damage to blood vessels and the heart, each time bringing them closer to death from a stroke or heart attack or, at best, a hard life with hypertension. But they have no effect on the essence of the disease itself - the collapsing joint. These drugs do nothing to restore the joint. And with each dose of these drugs a person will get worse and worse. My formula works comprehensively: the medicine immediately penetrates into the painful areas and helps to pain the affected joint, in addition, it stimulates cell circulation, which triggers the restoration of joint tissue. This is helped by natural ingredients. They begin to restore cartilage tissue and synovial fluid. It is enough to use the supplement regularly for the reconstruction to take place 24 hours a day. You go about your normal activities and your joints and back are completely restored. The pain disappears immediately and full recovery of the joint takes 14 days or more. Without any side effects!

Nazrina Hashim: "But they say that when a joint is affected, it requires surgery and long-term therapy with expensive remedies, and only that can cure joint disease and complications."

Dr. Vincent Tan: “Joints can be restored!”

Dr. Vincent Tan: "Arthritis, arthrosis, and osteochondrosis, at this point, if treated correctly, I don't consider them to be serious illnesses. Even my father, after spending a long time in a wheelchair, started using our medicine and soon recovered his joints completely! He is unrecognizable, he now runs and jumps with his grandchildren, rides a bike, and walks. You can't imagine how happy he would be to get mobility again! In the test group of people who were the first to receive our medicine for joint destruction, all 150 test subjects, with varying degrees of damage, completely cured their joints! People in our country have been struggling with this problem for years because they simply have no one to turn to. It's very sad."

Nazrina Hashim: "Vincent, how are joint diseases treated? There are many medicines sold in pharmacies."

Dr. Vincent Tan: There are different kinds of medications sold in pharmacies, prescription and over-the-counter, but neither helps properly. We did some research and came to the conclusion that all those drugs only relieve pain, but do not help in the recovery of the joint itself. These drugs dilate blood vessels, damage their walls, and overload the kidneys, liver, and heart. In general, they have a negative effect on the body, with their help it is impossible to get rid of arthritis, for example. When analyzing the composition, any specialist will understand that it should not be used at all.

Nazrina Hashim: "I mean, can the new drug cure joints?"

Dr. Vincent Tan: "You must understand that the joint - is a complex structure and in one day it will not recover, but if you have patience, then in 2-3 weeks you can say goodbye to painful joints once and for all!

Our drug is called ARTRAID. It completely restores and strengthens joints, relieves pain, and restores circulation"

It is effective because of its complex effect on the body and its unique composition, which includes only highly concentrated medicinal extracts. As a result, this drug is not only very effective but also completely safe.
After 3-5 days of using the supplement, the joint will already be at the recovery stage, at which point you can forget about the limited mobility and pain. Unlike pharmaceutical chemicals, ARTRAID has no harmful effects on the heart or other organs.

ARTRAID contains about 50 substances, macro- and micronutrients that are beneficial for blood vessels and skin. Here are some of the ingredients: water, coconut oil, St. John's wort herb extract, chamomile (Matricaria) flower extract, lemon balm leaf extract, mustache (lichen) extract, wormwood extract, tea tree leaf oil, pine needle oil, propolis extract, Myroxylon balsam (tolu balsam), resin oil, liquid resin, limonene.

Nazrina Hashim: "Vincent, will this supplement be sold in pharmacies? How much will it cost?"

Dr. Vincent Tan: Maybe you know pharmacists will try to take advantage of this formula to monetize as much as possible! First, they offered to buy the formula from me, but not to start producing the drug, but to stop its mass production. Ineffective drugs make up an important proportion of the pharmaceutical market and out product will make a big difference in this ratio.
A course of ARTRAID treatment (14 to 21 days) provides complete recovery of affected joints at almost any stage of the disease. No more costly surgeries, no more months of spending on old and ineffective medications. Pharmacies are partners of pharmaceutical companies. And, naturally, they don't want to sell our product. Although it is the only medicine recommended by the Ministry of Health that restores joints and helps treat arthritis, arthrosis or osteochondrosis.

Nazrina Hashim: "Vincent, then how do people get the medicine if it's not in the pharmacy?"

Nazrina: "What if the product is not in pharmacy?"

We sell our drug directly through our official website. Thanks to the fact that we do not pay commissions to pharmacy chains, we are able to keep prices quite low. Also, we conduct advertising campaigns on major news and entertainment resources in Malaysia to attract attention to this medicine.

In order to radically solve the problem of joint pain in Malaysia, we launched the social project "Malaysia without arthritis" with financial and informational support from the Ministry of Health. Thanks to the funds from the Ministry of Health we will be able to provide 1,000 packs of ARTRAID at a 50% discount.
Due to the limited amount of our drug available under the national program "Malaysia without arthritis," the discount will end at 26.06.2024
To participate in the program you need to click "spin", when the amount of discount will be determined, fill in your contact information in the form below, after which our experts will contact you to make an individual treatment plan.
Delivery is by express courier service directly to your address anywhere in the Malaysia
This campaign is sponsored by the Ministry of Health as part of the "Malaysia Without Arthritis" program.

The giveaway has started!

Remember this special offer will last only

Try your luck and click the "SPIN" button. If you're lucky, you'll get the product at a discount! Good luck!


Official request form

#982 of 1000 on
For the promo purchase of ARTRAID at a discounted price
358 MYR 179 MYR
To get ARTRAID at a discount, enter name and phone number below and click "LEAVE A REQUEST"
Acceptance of requests will end at 09:50
* Your personal data will be sent directly to the manufacturer. Only he has access to it.


1072 Viewing

Ani Zamhar


have osteoarthritis - and it went away after just...10 days! A real magic! I believe that all young and healthy people will go soon. Fighting back! Wish you luck!!

Zurina Mohd


I accidentally saw this article. I couldn't believe what I was seeing!! Although it doesn't work for me, I intend to buy ARTRAID for my wife. He doesn't know what I'm going to write here, but I still want to share. This is my good news, my happiness indeed. I read all the comments about ARTRAID. At this time, my husband was really depressed. He took medicine and medical massage, but then there were other stomach problems, and we didn't know how to check it. Now, problem solved! We are very happy. Don't worry my dear, be a family man again! Keep your spirits up!

Suhaila Razzak


I have been treating Sciatica for over 10 years and nothing works. I decided to try ARTRAID because the professor said I could be back to normal in just 2 weeks. Now I can run like when I was young.

Ibrahim Sukri


I read this article and ordered ARTRAID immediately. To be honest, conventional medicine can only help me in the short term. It is said that arthritis is difficult to cure. Now I can see the results. On the first day of my use, I felt so comfortable that no words can describe the feeling. Thanks a lot. Finally had a normal life!

Ariff Mustafar


I read the first comments and decided

Johnny Lee


Inconceivable! I have been using ARTRAID for 3 weeks and all the pain in my shoulder is gone. I wish you all luck!

Adam Bakhtiar


I have been suffering from pain for many years and I am starting to think that I will never get rid of the pain in my knees. Now I will consider ARTRAID , maybe it will work.

Natasha Ahmad


Is it a problem? Why is it sold online only?

Ariffin Zaki


Did you read the article? They only sell it online because pharmacies sell this product at a very high price and make a huge profit. Is there any problem if you only have to pay when you receive your package? I ordered and paid only after I reviewed it. Today people sell everything online - from shoes, clothes to furniture, etc.


Especially for you!

Today is the last day of the campaign "Malaysia Without Arthritis" supported by the Ministry of Health of Malaysia. Hurry up and get a 50% discount